Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lots o' shots...

Although this picture was not taken today, it is representative of how things are going for McKenna at this moment. She had to get the first battery of vaccinations today, not to mention the fact that she caught John's cold, she is not a happy camper. She keeps falling asleep, but then can't breathe through her nose which wakes her up. No amount of baby tylenol can make her feel better at this point I fear. Poor thing. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be on the mend.

I was right however about her weight, she's now a pudgy 11 lbs 0.5 oz, and 23 inches tall (or long depending upon how you look at it).


Jody Britton said...

How sad. I'm surprised they gave her the shots w/ a cold ..... hmmm ... well, maybe once she's done crying, she'll sleep for 24 hours straight. That's what my kids always did!

Mackenzie Turrill said...

Doesn't McKenna know that there's no crying in football? :) Poor thing...I hope that she's feeling up to her ol' gang-symbol throwing self soon. Thanks for the great phone chat! Hope to catch you at church on Sunday!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Sad face! Hey, Brody was exactly 11 lbs. at his 2 month appointment. They're like twins or something.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Okay, why would I even say they're twins? That made no sense.