Monday, July 12, 2010

McKenna Gets a Big Girl Room!

So McKenna turns 2 in two weeks! I can't believe how fast she's grown... so for the occasion, John and I gave her a big girl room... She slept in her new bed for the first time yesterday, and she seems to be off to the races.

Crested Butte - Our First "Just the Three of Us" Vacation

I finally broke down and pulled a few hundred photos off of my camera which were 'blog worthy.' So it's your lucky day! A few new posts from the Boyle Family!

A few weeks ago, John McKenna and I went to Crested Butte so I could race in the Mountain States Cup event, The Wildflower Rush. We'd never been there before, so we thought it would be a good excuse for a quick trip to a beautiful place. We took our time driving down, and even took the scenic route, which for an impatient person like me is difficult.

Here we are on the top of Cottonwood Pass on the Continental Divide:

So then we made it... and it was SPECTACULAR! I could totally live there if I had a trust fund, no ambition and only wanted to snowboard and ride all day every day:

Then it was time for the beat down, also known as the Wildflower Rush (in no particular order):

All in all a very fun weekend... we can't wait to go back!