Sunday, September 7, 2008

Growth spurts, screaming and baby acne...oh the joys of week 6

She may look cute and innocent, but believe me, she has learned to manipulate her parents already. In the past two weeks we've been engaged in a battle of wills, we want her to nap in her crib when she's so tired she can't keep her eyes open...she has other ideas. We probably did her a disservice by letting her nap on us for the first few weeks she was home (but seriously, who can resist this face?). This has been a epic for the ages, she cries and cries and cries some more before she finally falls asleep. Strangely, we don't have this problem at night, she goes down easily. At least her days and nights aren't mixed up anymore. I will win this war, I am committed to it.

So I mentioned at somepoint, somewhere, I think, maybe on Facebook, that I was terrified of cutting her nails with clippers, I discovered a couple of weeks ago why I was so afraid, I cut the tip of her finger with the clippers. Beyond the fact that it bled like crazy, she screamed in a way that I've never heard her scream before...I guess there won't be any doubt in my mind as to what her 'I'm in pain' cry sounds like. So she looked like she was wearing nail polish on her finger for a few days, but other than that she doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects. I'm the one who still suffers because I still feel guilty, even though she has completely healed. I know it's ridiculous. I may get over it some day... but so far I've made her have tongue surgery and cut her finger, I feel mean. I guess she already has chapter one for her, Mommy Dearest, memoir she'll write some day.

I think, even with all of the difficulties of the last two weeks, I'll probably keep her... she's a pretty good baby :-).

1 comment:

Mackenzie Turrill said...

How is the day sleeping going Linds? I hit my "wall" today when I realized that I no longer desire to carry Mimi around all day (and bounce her for long periods of time to coax her to sleep!). I think I'm going to try to tough it out tomorrow and I'm scared and feeling weak! Give me hope that there's a light at the end of the tunnel! (stop by our blog love to McKenna!