Monday, February 9, 2009

There isn't a straw long enough to reach the bottom of my bottle of wine...

John hijacked my blog today to tell you about McKenna's first word.  I'm drowning my sorrows at this moment... I was hoping I could get her to say 'ma ma' first, but alas, all of my hard work was to no avail.  I will polish off this bottle of wine to comfort me in my hour of distress...


The Sturtz Family said...

Don't feel bad.. all babies say dada first.. but tehy don't actually mean daddy when they say it.. it's just a babbling sound!

Jody Britton said...

I agree w/ the above comment in telling you not to feel bad. I mean, c'mon. God is the one who made the "D" sound easier to make than the "M" sound. He wanted to give Dadda's something to feel good about early on, right???? hehe. Just an FYI ... all my kids said "Dada" first. Even Malachi, and he didn't even know English. :)