Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stick a Sock in it!

So the kid was mouthing off, so I yelled at her and told her to stick a sock in it... Ok, not really. McKenna has discovered a new fetish... sticking anything and everything in her mouth. Among her favorites are: 1. My fingers 2. Anyone else's fingers 3. Her toes 4. Anything else within arms reach. Recently she discovered that she can pull off her socks and stick them in her mouth... here's a photographic play by play:

The last photo obviously proves the scripture verse, "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial." - 1 Corinthians 6:12. I believe that Paul was specifically speaking about the ramifications of putting a sock in one's mouth. It is permissable, but not beneficial. McKenna has learned this lesson the hard way.

My little baby girl is becoming so independent, as is her hair... which you can plainly see from the following photos. She loves to play in her exersaucer, and especially enjoys the spinny things, as I wrote in a previous post. She has such an amazing little personality, and is truly a joy to be around. She makes me laugh out loud almost every hour of every day. The noises that she makes are the best part... someday I hope to catch them on video to share with all of you. She's such a funny kid. I can't wait for her to start talking, I think she'll have lots of interesting things to say. I imagine most of those things will in some way surround poop jokes... which means she'll take after me.
...I mean seriously, she's like a real person! Sadly, she has yet to realize that I if I wanted her to have an opinion I'd give her one... she'll catch on soon enough. I rule with an IRON fist. Don't mess with me.
That's all for now.


Mackenzie Turrill said...

hee hee! Feed that girl already! Once again, we're seeing the same thing in our neck o' the woods. I feel like mimi looks like a little puppy..gnawing on shoes and socks, etc.. :) I still laugh when I think about how you mentioned that may be where "hoof and mouth" disease comes from...

Abby said...

Hi Lindsay!
From my Useless Knowledge Daily Calendar, I give you this:

In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, when gramophones, or phonographs, amplified sound through large horns, woolen socks were often stuffed into the horns to cut down the noise; hence the phrase "put a sock in it."

Have a great day!! :)