Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Because my mom made me...

My mom was complaining today that I hadn't posted in a while, so to avoid her wrath (and the wrath of Jocelyn) I will write something. Since I haven't written anything in quite some time, I'll make this a long (and random) post.

McKenna is getting so big, she's already grown out of the PJ's that Grandma bought her while we were in California, is about to be too big for size one diapers, and loves to spend time by herself when all I want to do is hold her. She's started to roll over when she lays on her activity mat and as you can see she wants to sit by my side like a big girl:
She still likes to sleep with her arms behind her head like her friend Josh...please take note of the folds in her thighs...no one can say we don't feed her...
She loves to make noises and have people imitate her, she thinks it's funny, and she laughs a little bit. I like the laughing, it's a good software upgrade, I think we're at version 2.1.1 at this point (maybe no one outside of my office will think this is funny...)

We work every day on her core strength, I think of it as baby pilates. She holds on to my fingers and lays down and pulls up to sit up. Soon she'll be sitting up on her own. Here she is sitting unsupported for a second or two, it helps if I make her hold her feet.
I told you this was going to be random... this is a picture of her wearing the duck slippers that her Aunt Blair bought her... I almost forgot we had them, good thing I put them on her before she outgrew them.
Remember earlier when I said she'd be sitting up by herself soon? Look she's doing it... on the kitchen counter, on a box, all by herself (ok, maybe not all by herself, but it looks like it doesn't it? John's ducking behind the counter)

Here's McKenna in her Halloween costume, she was a car air freshener... she made our house smell like PineSol... I received a lot of compliments on my little tree when I took her trick-or-treating at my office, I think I'll buy her costume from the same place next year. Maybe she'll be a hot dog, or perhaps a whoopie cushion.
I mean seriously, look at that smile, can you believe how stinking cute she is?

Here's McKenna with a stuffed bear that John's grandparents got for her at Bank of the West... she seems to like to put it's feet in her mouth, which sounds gross to me, but she must be ok with it.

Here's a picture of her ever growing mullett. I am debating about whether or not to cut it. Thoughts? I think it looks a little ridiculous with the bald spot that's also growing on the back of her head.
I think it's interesting the time babies become interactive and start showing their personalities, coincides with the time that we have to go back to work. Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe the US should adopt the policy of a year of maternity leave that some European and Middle Eastern countries have. I'd be all for it. I already am missing important things, like the first time she really laughed. She did it for Grandma Christy, and although she did it for me today while I was working from home, it's not the same. I pray that the work I'm doing is helping people on some level (I certainly hope it helps someone, we make brain surgery equipment, if that's not helping someone then we're doing something wrong), because just collecting a paycheck isn't worth it in my opinion. It's not that I don't like working, I just think it's fun playing with McKenna all day long. She does interesting things and I don't want to miss them. I'm sure that I'll get back in the swing of things soon enough, but the frusterations (see: Politics, gossip, whining, selfish people) of work get to me, and they didn't used to. Thankfully there are still a few bright spots...and bright people. I said to one of my co-workers the other day that I remembered why work drives some people to drink. So true. I will continue to suck it up... I promise.


sarah said...

ok, she is so adorable!!! i love reading your updates; and the little ones do get bigger so fast :)

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Your commentary is hilarious. And so "you." About the mullet: I think I'd trim the bottom so it's (mostly) even. It might break your heart thinking about it, but do it. You won't regret it. And then it'll grow in together and be really cute.

She's getting cuter all the time, Linds.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

OH! And I love, love, loved her Halloween costume. Totally made me LOL and even when I write "LOL" it doesn't mean I actually did, but this time? I DID. I vote Whoopie Cushion '09.

Jocelyn Williams said...

You would dress your kid as a car freshener (sp?) on her first Halloween. One of the MANY reasons we are friends. :)