Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Dedication Sunday & Other Randomness

I know it's been a while, but I haven't had time to even look at McKenna's blog, let alone update it! So maybe I'll make this a long post, we'll see how I feel as I go on.

Last things first, I took McKenna to her four month check up today. She weighed 15lbs 4oz and was 25 3/4 inches tall... which means she's grown 3 3/4 inches and gained 4 lbs since her last visit to the doctor! She's in the 80th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height... I'm guessing she doesn't get the height from me.

Every day McKenna's becoming more of a little girl and less of a baby, which is fun but sad all at the same time. She's more interested in playing with her toys and lying by herself than cuddling with me and falling asleep on me anymore. Here she is playing on her activity mat:
The Mercer's lent us their Bumbo seat, and she thinks it's fun to sit on the coffee table in it and stare at the TV:
This is what happens when you watch too much TV:

My mom (aka, Grandma), came out to visit for the weekend because McKenna was being dedicated at church on Sunday; Grandma Christy, Ma & Pa (John's Grandparents) and Aunts Mary & Catherine were also on hand to witness the event. Instead of baptizing infants, our church has dedication ceremonies. A baby dedication is a commitment that parents make to raise their children as followers of Christ, and when the kids are old enough to make a faith decision of their own, then they can choose to be baptized. We wanted to dedicate McKenna to say publicly that we realize that McKenna is a gift from God and that we need His help, shepherding, strength and guidance to raise her... and to tell others what a joy she is in our lives! We can't imagine a world without her in it, she is an immeasurable blessing! Here are some photos from the dedication:

Of course I had to use the picture of her in the tub for the screen...I had to solidify her position as 'cutest baby ever.'
Next to us here are the Osborne's and their son, Brody (McKenna's boyfriend):

On our other side are the Britton's and their son Malachi, and the Turrill's and their daughter Mimi:
Here's John praying for McKenna:
Later McKenna will think I'm a loser for all of the strange faces I make in pictures, for now she doesn't mind:
That's all for now... we're off to Vail for Turkey Day, I'm sure there will be pictures from our mountain adventures, and of course from Laura & Josh's upcoming visit. I think I'll end with an exclamaition point, since I've used about 72 of them in this post! One more for good measure!


JAKE said...

Those pics of her watching TV are funny. They're identical to the faces John while watching TV in college.

Jocelyn Williams said...

Yayyyy FINALLY!! I miss you!
Thad and I had a good laugh at McKenna watching TV...

Abby said...

Yep... completely in love with your daughter. I'm thrilled at the fact that she and Brody are BF/GF, and I could someday be related to you (in a distance sorta way)!! :)

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Linds, I might have to steal some of those pictures for myself and maybe for my blog... should I ever get around to blogging about the dedication. My dad took pictures, and well, they're not so great. ;)

I'm glad we got to be a part of that together.