Friday, July 25, 2008

McKenna's First Day

McKenna has had a very eventful first day. Linds and I got moved into our recovery room around 2am, and both were really exhausted. Here are a few highlights of today, but you can check out our web gallery for more pictures:

Took a nap on daddy's chest (favorite activity so far).

Got to meet her Great Grandparents, Ma & Pa. Here's a picture:

She took her first bath.

She got to be held for the first time by her grandmas and her aunts Mary & Catherine.

She got to meet some of her adoring fans.

She had her first doctor's visit with the pediatrician. Dr. Bob says she is perfect (we all knew it, but it's nice to have it confirmed by a professional). He also said, "how can you see a baby like this and not believe there is a spectacular God." We agree!


Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

John, you look SO happy! (Is Lindsay STILL playing the Wii in the background of that first picture? Linds! Come on! You have a new hobby now.)

She's just darling and I can't wait to meet her in person. I'm thankful that all is going so well for the three of you!

Abby said...

Congratulations Boyle family!!! What a beauty, she really does look to be perfect. I'm so happy for you all, and can't wait to meet Miss McKenna in person.

Take good care, and keep loving each other as much as you obviously do. :)

Kass said...

First day looked were the first 2 weeks?!