Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's my turn...

So John has passed the blogging responsibilities off to me... apparently he has to work or something during the day. So while I eat a Popsicle while the baby is sleeping I thought I would take a moment to post some of the goings on of the last two weeks, since I have heard from several people that we've been remiss in not posting any updates since we came home from the hospital.

We've had our first 'check-up' and McKenna was back up to her birth weight... 6lbs 15oz, and she met Dr. Steitz for the first time... she liked him, as you can tell from this photo we took at the doctors office (ok maybe it was gas, but still cute none the less)
Dr. Steitz confirmed our suspicion that McKenna was tongue tied (meaning the piece of skin that holds your tongue to the bottom of your mouth was connected all the way to the tip of her tongue). He referred us to an ENT surgeon for a consultation, and we went last Monday to get it taken care of. It was traumatic for both of us, I had to hold McKenna when they anesthetized the underside of her tongue, which was not fun, and then I held her while they clipped the skin under her tongue... that part was horrible. She was really fussy for the entire day, and couldn't suck on her pacifier because her mouth was numb. Finally Kassie (our friendly neighborhood pharmacist) came to the rescue, and told us we could give her baby tylenol. We went back to the ENT surgeon yesterday for a recheck, and he told us that everything has healed properly and she's back to normal.

Other than our one fussy day, we've been really blessed so far that McKenna is a very happy (and sleepy) baby. She is getting up once to eat during the night, and usually goes right back to sleep after she's full. Not too shabby for a kid that's only 2.5 weeks old. We're getting settled into a routine and working on napping at the same time.

That's it for now...


Heather said...

awww....poor sweetheart. My youngest brother had to have that same procedure done. It is hard to watch. Mom and baby both cry!
Glad things are going well, Linds.

BMer916 said...

yes! another Mercer name-drop! gotta love that!

The Sturtz Family said...

Very cute! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well! I'll have to stop by soon! WE have been MIA because I had my appendix out 1 1/2 weeks ago and then we were out of town this last weekend!

Mackenzie Turrill said...

Yay! More pictures of that cute little girl! My how she's changed already! Thanks for giving me something to do with my time while WE wait.. wait.. and WAIT for our little one. Keep the posts comin'!