Friday, November 7, 2008

The Many Faces of McKenna...

As I was trying to capture of film (ok, technically not film, digital SD card if you want to be precise) the fact that McKenna's eye color is starting to change...hopefully to mine, so she'll at least have ONE of my features... I noticed all of the different expressions that she makes. So after you look at her new, half-baked eye color, please take a second (or 30 minutes) to paruse the different faces that this little baby makes.

See, don't you think her eyes are changing:

Here are all of her expressions...











Plain old happy:




Heather said...

I love all these pictures. What great memories! But, I have to say that my favorite thing about this post is that you have "Jon and Kate plus 8" on in the background. And I like even more the fact that I know that's what's on the TV. I am lame.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Like Heather, I noticed what you were watching and am now speculating that you're possibly pregnant... with septuplets. I'm thinking about starting that rumor.

I do think her eyes are changing! Your eye color is so pretty, I hope they're just like yours. The pictures cracked me up... she's such a doll. I have hundreds - actually, thousands, literally - of pictures of each of the kids sitting on my legs like that and their many different faces. Thank goodness for DIGITAL! It got pricy in Emma's first year before we had our digital camera. The other day I was snapping tons of Brody pictures just like what you posted and realized I'd taken over 80 pictures in about 3 minutes. Good grief. Is it any wonder I'm out of space on my computer?

Do I win the award for longest comment ever?

Your blog has been cracking me up lately, but I'm a commenting slacker. I'm trying to catch up now.

Jocelyn Williams said...

In case you didn't know, I check your blog much more than once a week... It has been about two since the last update, and yes, I am keeping tabs. I don't want my little McKenna growing up without me!

I got your facebook about your trip. I'll be in DC with the 8th graders until the 13th... Maybe we can meet up Sunday the 14th? It would be good to see you again. :)