Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Checked in and ready to rock and/or roll

Linds and I are all checked into the hospital, and they are about to begin the induction. If anyone needs a little refresher on what got us into this mess, you might enjoy this helpful article from wikipedia about pregnancy.

As we were just getting settled in, we noticed this double rainbow outside our window. It reminded us of this verse from Genesis, and the promise God has made with all of us: "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Soon, McKenna will be able to see rainbows for the first time!


Jody Britton said...

We were just outside looking at that double rainbow too!!! We are praying for you guys tomorrow. (And tonight for rest.) I didn't realize you guys were going in tonight.... crazy. Can't wait to meet her!

Kris said...

I'm looking at this and thinking what an amazing first gift you will be giving McKenna by documenting your thoughts and feelings as you move through this unbelievable time. The rainbow is just a further reminder of God being there to help you guys...I love you both and can't wait to come see you and little McKenna on Sunday.

XoXo mom